The Swanbourne Endeavour is an eccentrically British and slightly bonkers obstacle race.
Age 15 & over
Make no mistake, this is a tough course. The Swanbourne Endeavour tests your strength and courage. Whether you compete as part of a team or run as an individual, the whole event is one of team ethos. You help your fellow competitor even if……especially if it means you have to slow down. It’s not about clocking up record-breaking times – it’s more about doing your best, looking out for each other and spurring on your ‘mates’ – but not forgetting to have a great time! The race (now in its 13th year) takes place every October in the village of Swanbourne which lies in the beautiful countryside between Aylesbury, Milton Keynes and Buckingham, making the event very accessible.
This event is part of Endeavour Swanbourne.
Age 6 & over
Age 10 & over