Telford Harriers are proud to bring you the Ironbridge Half Marathon.
Age 17 & over
The Route will be marked in miles and the course is a down and up, multi-surface, one lap loop. Start at the QEII Arena in Telford Town Park, running through the Telford Town Park and down the Silkin Way, run past Blists Hill Museum and Coalport China Museum into the Severn Gorge. You follow the old Severn Valley Railway line, past Maws craft centre and the Jackfield Tile Museum. You then run towards the world's first iron bridge and then run over the World Heritage Ironbridge itself. You continue through the beautiful town of Ironbridge alongside the River Severn then turn up Station Road and then through Coalbrookdale and Rough Park, onto the Silkin Way heading to the finish in the QEII Arena, Telford Town Park.