After much deliberation, Rasselbock Running has decided that the Rosliston Rumble in the wetter months will now be known as Mudfest!
All ages
We’ll be heading to the lovely Rosliston Forest again in for a slew of dates next year on our special short format. The runs will be a little shorter than usual, only 4 hours long on a 4km loop, but you can still expect the full Rasselbock experience on the day! You may attempt to complete as many laps as possible over the full four hours, or you may choose to finish just one, either way, you will be a finisher and receive your bespoke medal* when you tap out. The aim of our events is to organize races as if I was taking part, so you can expect amazing support, the best medals, and a small group of runners that is never any more than 30. Think of it as a small group of friends and family all coming together for an amazing day of running!