Ride To Horsa is a highly poignant cycling event by The Veterans Charity to honour D-Day Heroes and create a unique and significant memorial at Horsa Bridge in Normandy.
Age 18-80
Sign up £295
Fundraise £600
Ride To Horsa promises to be a hugely poignant and highly memorable cycling event which follows a route from Tarrant Rushton Airfield, where the gliders took off on the night of 5th June 1944.
Participants on Ride To Horsa are required to raise funds for The Veterans Charity which has created this exciting event. The funds raised will pay for the memorial and also help the charity to continue delivering vital support to Veterans of the UK Armed Forces.
Places are limited to 150 participants and available on a first come, first served basis. The cycling event is being managed by our friends at Sportive HQ.