Take on a swim challenge like no other!
Swim a marathon or half marathon distance over 12 weeks: take your health, wellbeing and fitness to the next level, and raise funds for the 1 in 10 people who don’t have clean drinking water close to home. Whether you’re already a swimming fanatic or you're looking to dip your toe in for the first time, join our Swim Marathon and cover 13 or 26 miles over 12 weeks. How you do it is completely up to you: break your swim challenge down to weekly laps, or reach your distance over a few swims. What's important is you have fun, enjoy the water and raise some money to bring clean water to others around the world! Go on, dip your toe in and take on the only charity swim challenge event tackling a full marathon or half marathon distance – give it go, make it your swim challenge of 2023!