Test your limits on one of the UK’s best and longest running or hiking events. Run, walk or jog - the Cleveland Hike can be raced your way.
Age 11-100
Entry fee
Entry fee
Entry fee
Are you ready for the next adventure?
The Cleveland Hike is designed to let you test your fitness, orienteering skill and determination by competing against other teams of hikers across the weekend. Entrants can choose to compete in the full two day competition (30 miles) or either of the single day events (choose from 10 or 20 miles).
Push your limits and use your skill to succeed
Using only maps and compasses, navigate your way from checkpoint to checkpoint across the North Yorkshire Moors. Points are awarded based on reaching each checkpoint within the target times and by successfully completing the either physical, skill based or mental challenges at each checkpoint.
The hike is an inclusive event, with friendly expert support on hand every step of the way, to help make it a great experience you’ll never forget!
Who can enter the Hike?
Attracting everyone from veteran, experienced hikers to first time hikers looking for an adventure, or even fell runners in search of a different challenge - the Cleveland Hike is open for all abilities. Whether you want to run, jog or walk, you can do the hike at your pace your way. To enter you must have a team of 3 or 4 people all ready for the challenge.
Anyone is welcome to join the hike, however the competition is particularly popular with teams from The Boys’ Brigade, Army Cadets, Scouts, Guides, DofE and British Army units and many more!
The Cleveland Hike is split into three competitions:
*Teams with mixed age groups (12 to 20+) will be entered into the adult competition, providing at least one member is 20 or over.
This event is part of The Cleveland Hike.
Age 11-100
Age 10-100