The Cow Shed Backyard Ultra follows the same format as Big’s Backyard Ultra.
Age 18 & over
In simple terms that means competitors must complete the 4.1-mile loop on the hour every hour until only 1 runner remains. The bell will be sounded exactly on the hour and if you have failed to make the starting area before the bell rings, then you will be disqualified from the event and will become one of the many DNF’s! There will be only 1 athlete who does not receive a DNF and they will be crowned the champ! All competitors will receive an event memento, free camping for you and your family throughout the event and access to hot and cold water/tea/coffee/fruit/sweets etc. You will need to get your pacing right, as go to fast and you are going to be hanging around at the start waiting to go again, but take it too easy and you may find yourself working harder than you need to, to make the time limit.