The Sale 4 x 5k Sizzlers are a series of very popular runs on a super-fast course within Wythenshawe Park, South Manchester for all abilities.
Age 15 & over
We have Sizzler 2024 lift off! Get these dates in your diary and don't let anything interefere with them - not even your summer holidays! If you are able to help in any way please get in touch. We need course setting up people in the afternoon before the race, marshals, car park attendants and people to help with a water station etc. Thank you. Parking is available 800m from the start/finish through another entrance on the same road. It'll be well sign-posted and the usual marshals will be there to guide you. Just factor in an extra 10 minutes to get to the race start/finish. This year additional team prizes will be offered. Please pass these Sizzler dates among your colleagues so everyone has the opportunity to PB this summer on this super fast course........ at a price you won't find anywhere else.