Find ultra runs near me in UK in January 2025 - search by date or place, display on a map or use the advanced search to find your perfect race.
Click an event for full event details, location, route, sustainability, what's included and how to enter.
Happy New Year Run along the flat and even Leeds and Liverpool Canal towpath - perfect for runners of all abilities, from novices to ultra PB chasers!
It's New Year! So what better way to start the year than with an ultra? Come to the Suffolk Running Centre and follow the Windmill Way route for over a marathon distance up to the 7-hour cut off.
The only way is up with this race along the Offas Dyke footpath. The scenery and terrain become more and more beautiful, and challenging as you go!
A new and unique concept where you turn up ready to conquer an Ultra but if you feel like going easy, run a cool 1-3 loops instead! Ideal for testing out fuelling techniques & kit.