Yorkshire Three Peaks | Kidscan
Sat 14 Sep 2024 Settle, North Yorkshire, UK

Yorkshire Three Peaks | Kidscan

Conquer the famous Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge in Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and raise money for Children’s Cancer Research, guided safely all the way.

  • Sat 14 Sep 2024
Horton in Ribblesdale, Settle

Yorkshire Three Peaks | Kidscan



Age 16 & over

  • 24 miles hiking


Take on the challenging yet incredible Yorkshire Three Peaks and summit Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough within 12 hours in support of Kidscan Children's Cancer Research.


One of Britain’s classic hill-walking challenges, you'll summit the three highest peaks of Yorkshire in one day! You'll be led by fully qualified guides all the way, meaning you can focus on completing your hiking challenge safely and successfully without the need to navigate.


  • The famous Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge in 12 hours, for charity
  • Complete the peaks in the classic order:
  • Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside, then Ingleborough
  • Enter solo, with a partner, with friends or with colleagues
  • Friendly group of 15-20 hikers
  • Professionally guided by Mountain Leaders, meaning no navigation required
  • Photos, videos and medal for you
  • Raise sponsorship to help fund research into childhood cancers

  • Accommodation
  • Bar
  • Cafe
  • Camping
  • Paid parking
  • Rural
  • Toilets

Event HQ

Horton in Ribblesdale
North Yorkshire
BD24 0HB

  • First aid
  • Hilly
  • Own water only
  • Traffic free


  • Meet at 6.30am to begin your challenge. The Mountain Leaders will set the pace with an aim of completing in 12 hours, but will take the group's ability and conditions on the day into account. An early start is a must to make the most of the daylight.
  • The first peak is Pen-y-ghent (694m / 2,276 ft) and can be seen from your starting point.
  • The next is the highest of the three, Whernside, approximately 7.5 miles away from Pen-y-Ghent.
  • The final peak is Ingleborough (723m / 2,237 ft) and is approximately 11.5 miles from Whernside. This stretch can feel pretty lengthy so you'll have to dig deep and keep the ultimate goal in sight. This is where your training really pays off. Standing at the top of the third and final peak feels incredible and you'll take that sense of achievement with you all the way to the finish line.
  • You're in your stride by now so the 6 mile hike back to Horton-in-Ribblesdale rounds the challenge off nicely before receiving huge congratulations for your significant achievement!

Care for the environment

  • The Adventure Code team cares passionately about the environment and will ensure this challenge is conducted responsibly.
  • The intimate group of 15-20 walkers minimises footfall in the sensitive dales environment - so this is a great guided challenge to choose.

  • Medal
  • Race photo


  • Fully qualified and insured guides

    Guided safely all the way with no need to navigate, leaving you to focus on successfully completing your goal.

  • Support vehicle halfway

    The all-important back-up plan to cover unforeseen circumstances.

  • High quality photography/videography

    Memories of an epic achievement and a wonderful day hill-walking.

  • Medal

    After 24 miles and three peaks, you'll have earned this and bragging rights to boot.

  • Access to free weekly run club

    Optional extra if you live in Merseyside.


  • Fundraising materials
  • Fundraising required
  • Fundraising support
  • Submit fundraising up to 1 month after event


Kidscan researches cures for childhood cancers to ensure that more children survive.

Raising £250 for Kidscan Children’s Cancer Research is part of the challenge!


When you register, you will be prompted to setup your online fundraising page, where you can start collecting donations as soon as you’re all setup!

You'll also be sent a fundraising pack, full of tips and tricks to help you raise your fundraising goals. You’ll also be introduced to the fundraising team, who are on hand to help you with your fundraising!

Wondering if you can hit the minimum sponsorship amount?

Think about all the friends and family you can ask to sponsor you, if each one of those also inspired their friends and family to donate – you will reach your target in no time! When people find out you're hiking Yorkshire's three highest peaks for such a worthy cause in Childhood Cancer Awareness Month – you are sure to receive lots of support!


  • Age 16 & over
  • Enter online
  • Fundraising required

An Adventure Code challenge

If you are alone but wanting to explore, if you are someone who feels like you need a change, if you are someone who wants to connect with others, meet new people, begin a new chapter in your life, then Adventure Code is here for you. If you do not change your behaviour, your decisions or your circles, how can you expect to positively change your life?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results - Albert Einstein