Welcome to the TimeOutdoors community! It's completely free to sign up and use in the way that works for you.
PLUS free challenges to keep you motivated on your journey and no-nonsense wellbeing advice to keep you active in a healthy way.
Join todayEarn badges for your achievements and help plant trees with your reviews.
From shortlist to goal plus organising your own activities made easy.
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Your story will encourage people to support and sponsor you and help inspire other people like you to get more active outdoors!
Our flagship One Million Challenge plus other free challenges to keep you motivated on your journey.
Join in and help spend one million hours active outdoors. It's completely free to sign up and clock up hours however you like - just connect your fitness tracker and get moving!
Find out moreNo-nonsense wellbeing advice to keep you active in a healthy way. Our four pillars are explained below with more coming soon.
Check out some of our team profiles to see how it all works!