2025 details are to be confirmed.
Stunning scenery and an undulating route await those who enter.
The race, as in previous years, will be run over the Manx Northern course, starting and finishing in Ramsey. Start in Ramsey. Head along Mooragh Promenade past the site of the former Grand Island hotel and on to Bride. From there to Andreas and St Judes before turning back towards Ramsey. Two laps for marathon runners, finishing at the Ramsey Ballacloan Football stadium.
2025 details are to be confirmed.
Ramsey Football Stadium
Ballaoloan Rd
Isle of Man
The start point for the Marathon is on Mooragh Promenade, approx. 400 yards from Race HQ.
The start point for the Half Marathon is on North Shore Road, approx 200 yards from Race HQ.
The island has excellent air links to the Mainland.
The Isle of Man Steam Packet company offers a choice of convenient crossings.
A public bus, No. 3A, to Ramsey leaves from Douglas, Lord Street, 06.40 and 07.40 and arrives in Ramsey at 07.32 and 08.32 respectively. Please check times on the Bus Vannin website.
Parking is not permitted inside the stadium or alongside the gates on the stadium side of the road outside. Adequate spaces should be available on the Promenade or in the free car park on the far side of the adjacent Mooragh Park β just 2 minutes walk from the stadium.
Age 17 & over
Age 18 & over