Fun runs

Fun runs

Runs for kids and families with a focus on fun, not finishing time! Search by date, location or map to find a fun run near you or browse to discover your perfect event.

Fun runs in the UK

Fun runs are a brilliant option for people new to running or for families to run together. With shorter distances and a focus on fun rather than finishing time, there's no pressure. Select your location for fun runs in your area or scroll down to see what's coming up.


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Fun runs in 2025

Featured events are listed below - select a month/region or the map view to see all events.

Previously rated one of the top 10 UK marathons by Runners World! Stunningly scenic riverside routes along the Thames towpath. Flat, fast and very runnable with great runner support.
  • Sun 9 Mar
  • £53-£55
Richmond, UK

Thames Meander Spring | Marathon

Previously rated one of the top 10 UK marathons by Runners World! Stunningly scenic riverside routes along the Thames towpath. Flat, fast and very runnable with great runner support.

  • 26.2 miles trail running
Stunningly scenic riverside route along the Thames towpath. Flat, fast and very runnable with great runner support. The marathon on the same day was previously rated one of the top 10 UK marathons.
  • Sun 9 Mar
  • £28-£30
Richmond, UK

Thames Meander Spring | 10K

Stunningly scenic riverside route along the Thames towpath. Flat, fast and very runnable with great runner support. The marathon on the same day was previously rated one of the top 10 UK marathons.

  • 10 km trail running
Stunningly scenic riverside route along the Thames towpath. Flat, fast and very runnable with great runner support. The marathon on the same day was previously rated one of the top 10 UK marathons.
  • Sun 9 Mar
  • £43-£45
Richmond, UK

Thames Meander Spring | Half Marathon

Stunningly scenic riverside route along the Thames towpath. Flat, fast and very runnable with great runner support. The marathon on the same day was previously rated one of the top 10 UK marathons.

  • 13.1 miles trail running
Taking place on the trails and paths around Sherwood and fully marshalled with medals for all finishers and raucous cheers over the finish line to inspire younger runners in a wonderful environment.
  • Sun 16 Mar
  • £7
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, UK

Sherwood Pines Junior Run

Taking place on the trails and paths around Sherwood and fully marshalled with medals for all finishers and raucous cheers over the finish line to inspire younger runners in a wonderful environment.

  • 1 km trail running
A fantastic race for kids over a substantial 2.62K route with an encouraging finish inside the BT Murrayfield Stadium, as part of the Kilomathon event day.
  • Sun 6 Apr
  • £14.50-£15.50
Edinburgh, UK

Mini Kilomathon Scotland

A fantastic race for kids over a substantial 2.62K route with an encouraging finish inside the BT Murrayfield Stadium, as part of the Kilomathon event day.

  • 2.62 km road running
This race is part of an exhilarating summer series at Gosport offering five perfect races to make your own.
  • Tue 8 Apr
  • FREE-£7
Gosport, Hampshire, UK

Gosport 5K Summer Series | Race One | Junior Race

This race is part of an exhilarating summer series at Gosport offering five perfect races to make your own.

  • 1 km road running
Treat yourself to these Easter races around the beautiful Chasewater Reservoir! With a range of races on offer, there's something for everyone!
  • Sun 20 Apr
  • FREE-£6
Brownhills, Staffordshire, UK

Chasewater Easter Egg Challenge | Children's Race

Treat yourself to these Easter races around the beautiful Chasewater Reservoir! With a range of races on offer, there's something for everyone!

  • 0.6 km multi terrain running
A free 400m Children’s Fun Run will take place on the running track 30 mins before the half-marathon start - no need to book, just turn up. Parents are welcome to run with their kids and warm up!
  • Mon 21 Apr
  • FREE
Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK

ATW Stevenage Spring 400M Childrens Fun Run

A free 400m Children’s Fun Run will take place on the running track 30 mins before the half-marathon start - no need to book, just turn up. Parents are welcome to run with their kids and warm up!

  • 400 m track and field
Take to the tarmac and join us in London's beautiful Regent's Park for a spectacular Easter celebration race that never fails to disappoint! Did we mention that you get to race past London Zoo...?
  • Mon 21 Apr
  • £6
London, UK

London Easter 10K | Children's Race

Take to the tarmac and join us in London's beautiful Regent's Park for a spectacular Easter celebration race that never fails to disappoint! Did we mention that you get to race past London Zoo...?

  • 0.8 km road running
Take to the tarmac and join us in London's beautiful Regent's Park for a spectacular Easter celebration race that never fails to disappoint! Did we mention that you get to race past London Zoo...?
  • Mon 21 Apr
  • FREE-£15
London, UK

London Easter 10K | 2 Mile Fun Run

Take to the tarmac and join us in London's beautiful Regent's Park for a spectacular Easter celebration race that never fails to disappoint! Did we mention that you get to race past London Zoo...?

  • 2 miles road running
A fantastic event for runners (or walkers) of all ages and abilities. Experience what being a superhero is all about as you cross the finish line cheered by thousands of admiring spectators!
  • Mon 5 May
  • £12
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK

MK Marathon Weekend | Superhero Fun Run

A fantastic event for runners (or walkers) of all ages and abilities. Experience what being a superhero is all about as you cross the finish line cheered by thousands of admiring spectators!

  • 1 mile road running
Graded ‘easy’ this scenic 5K trail run is for ages 12-17 and can be fast and furious or run for fun - it’s your enjoyment that counts. Includes Full Weekend Festival Ticket in the price!
  • Sat 17 May
  • £30
Keswick, Cumbria, UK

Keswick Mountain Festival | adidas TERREX Junior 5K Trail Run

Graded ‘easy’ this scenic 5K trail run is for ages 12-17 and can be fast and furious or run for fun - it’s your enjoyment that counts. Includes Full Weekend Festival Ticket in the price!

  • 5 km trail running
Join the one-lap Fun Run and enjoy the safe and speedy roads of Thruxton Motor Racing Circuit.
  • Tue 20 May
  • £7.50-£12
Andover, Hampshire, UK

Thruxton 10K | Race 1 | Fun Run

Join the one-lap Fun Run and enjoy the safe and speedy roads of Thruxton Motor Racing Circuit.

  • 3.8 km road running
The perfect way for teenagers to get involved in EMF Weekend! The event offers a picturesque route around Holyrood Park with panoramic views of the city and Edinburgh Castle plus a medal and t-shirt!
  • Sat 24 May
  • £21.50-£32
Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh Marathon Festival | 5K Junior

The perfect way for teenagers to get involved in EMF Weekend! The event offers a picturesque route around Holyrood Park with panoramic views of the city and Edinburgh Castle plus a medal and t-shirt!

  • 5 km road running
One of the junior events of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival for ages 9-12 in the beautiful Holyrood Park with the fun of a medal, t-shirt and goodies at the end!
  • Sat 24 May
  • £14-£18.50
Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh Marathon Festival | 2K Junior

One of the junior events of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival for ages 9-12 in the beautiful Holyrood Park with the fun of a medal, t-shirt and goodies at the end!

  • 2 km road running
One of the junior events of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival for ages 6-8 in the beautiful Holyrood Park with the fun of a medal, t-shirt and goodies at the end!
  • Sat 24 May
  • £14-£18.50
Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh Marathon Festival | 1.5K Junior

One of the junior events of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival for ages 6-8 in the beautiful Holyrood Park with the fun of a medal, t-shirt and goodies at the end!

  • 1.5 km road running
One of the junior events of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival for ages 3-6 in the beautiful Holyrood Park with the fun of a medal, t-shirt and goodies at the end!
  • Sat 24 May
  • £14-£18.50
Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh Marathon Festival | Kids Kilometre

One of the junior events of the Edinburgh Marathon Festival for ages 3-6 in the beautiful Holyrood Park with the fun of a medal, t-shirt and goodies at the end!

  • 1 km road running
A challenging 5K ‘fun’ run as part of the Lake District Running Festival an iconic location with a grandstand finish, wooden medal, free event photos and, more importantly, cake...
  • Sat 31 May
  • £15-£20
Ambleside, Cumbria, UK

Lake District Running Festival | Grasmere Gallop 5km Trail Run

A challenging 5K ‘fun’ run as part of the Lake District Running Festival an iconic location with a grandstand finish, wooden medal, free event photos and, more importantly, cake...

  • 5.7 km trail running + 61 m ascent
Kids race for children aged 8-14 at the stunning Burrator Reservoir with medals for all finishers!
  • Sat 31 May
  • £8
Devon, UK

Burrator 2K Kids Race

Kids race for children aged 8-14 at the stunning Burrator Reservoir with medals for all finishers!

  • 2 km road running
Kids race for children aged 3-7 at the stunning Burrator Reservoir with medals for all finishers!
  • Sat 31 May
  • £8
Devon, UK

Burrator 1K Kids Race

Kids race for children aged 3-7 at the stunning Burrator Reservoir with medals for all finishers!

  • 1 km road running
A community focused event, ATW St Albans Half Marathon aims to raise money for local charities and organisations as well as put on a great day out for all the family, delivered by runners for runners.
  • Sun 8 Jun
  • £10
St Albans, Hertfordshire, UK

ATW St Albans 1.5 Mile Fun Run

A community focused event, ATW St Albans Half Marathon aims to raise money for local charities and organisations as well as put on a great day out for all the family, delivered by runners for runners.

  • 1.5 miles road running
This race is part of an exhilarating summer series at Gosport offering five perfect races to make your own.
  • Tue 10 Jun
  • FREE-£7
Gosport, Hampshire, UK

Gosport 5K Summer Series | Race Three | Junior Race

This race is part of an exhilarating summer series at Gosport offering five perfect races to make your own.

  • 1 km road running
Join the one-lap Fun Run and enjoy the safe and speedy roads of Thruxton Motor Racing Circuit.
  • Tue 17 Jun
  • £7.50-£12
Andover, Hampshire, UK

Thruxton 10K | Race 1 | Fun Run

Join the one-lap Fun Run and enjoy the safe and speedy roads of Thruxton Motor Racing Circuit.

  • 3.8 km road running
Run Miles. Drink cider. A 5K where you sample different ciders along the way. Set amidst the beautiful Thames Valley where fitness and fun go together. It's a party from start to finish.
  • Sat 19 Jul
  • £30
Henley-on-Thames, Buckinghamshire, UK

The Ciderthon 5K

Run Miles. Drink cider. A 5K where you sample different ciders along the way. Set amidst the beautiful Thames Valley where fitness and fun go together. It's a party from start to finish.

  • 5 km multi terrain running
The Bright Skies 1K kids race is a thrilling daytime trail race following an undulating yomp through the Denbies Estate in the Surrey Hills.
  • Sun 20 Jul
  • £8
Dorking, Surrey, UK

Bright Skies Surrey Hills | Kids Race 1K

The Bright Skies 1K kids race is a thrilling daytime trail race following an undulating yomp through the Denbies Estate in the Surrey Hills.

  • 1 km trail running
The Bright Sies 2K kids race is a thrilling daytime trail race following an undulating yomp through Surrey's rolling hills and the Denbies Estate in the Surrey Hills.
  • Sun 20 Jul
  • £8
Dorking, Surrey, UK

Bright Skies Surrey Hills | Kids Race 2K

The Bright Sies 2K kids race is a thrilling daytime trail race following an undulating yomp through Surrey's rolling hills and the Denbies Estate in the Surrey Hills.

  • 2 km trail running
Join the one-lap Fun Run and enjoy the safe and speedy roads of Thruxton Motor Racing Circuit.
  • Tue 22 Jul
  • £7.50-£12
Andover, Hampshire, UK

Thruxton 10K | Race 3 | Fun Run

Join the one-lap Fun Run and enjoy the safe and speedy roads of Thruxton Motor Racing Circuit.

  • 3.8 km road running
All ages and abilities are welcome to join the Mini Kids Race for free which is exclusively for youngsters and spectators of the main 24-hour event.
  • Sat 9 Aug
  • FREE
Sandringham, Norfolk, UK

Run Sandringham Mini Kid's Race

All ages and abilities are welcome to join the Mini Kids Race for free which is exclusively for youngsters and spectators of the main 24-hour event.

  • 1 mile multi terrain running
This popular racing gem returns to sparkle for another year; prepare to be captivated by racing joy! The junior race includes 1-2 laps around the cricket pitch (the runner chooses how many laps).
  • Sun 10 Aug
  • £7
Faversham, Kent, UK

Mount Ephraim Junior Race

This popular racing gem returns to sparkle for another year; prepare to be captivated by racing joy! The junior race includes 1-2 laps around the cricket pitch (the runner chooses how many laps).

  • 1 km road running
It's the crash of waves and the sea-salt that lingers in the cool coastal air. It's your moment to fly along the promenade in this cracking mile event. It's part of a seaside racing extravaganza!
  • Sun 17 Aug
  • £7
Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, UK

Clacton Fun Run

It's the crash of waves and the sea-salt that lingers in the cool coastal air. It's your moment to fly along the promenade in this cracking mile event. It's part of a seaside racing extravaganza!

  • 1 mile road running
Kids kick off the 'run day' of the Long Course Weekend Yorkshire with 1, 2 or 3 laps of the run course around Masham Market Place! They'll get a t-shirt and be awarded their medal on the red carpet!
  • Sun 31 Aug
  • £10
Masham, North Yorkshire, UK

Long Course Kinder

Kids kick off the 'run day' of the Long Course Weekend Yorkshire with 1, 2 or 3 laps of the run course around Masham Market Place! They'll get a t-shirt and be awarded their medal on the red carpet!

  • 1 day road running
Don’t let the grown-ups have all the fun. Join the fun run for all the family as part of Bedford's Running Festival with kids zone and fun fair too!
  • Sat 6 Sep
  • £10
Bedford, Bedfordshire, UK

ATW Bedford Running Festival | Fun Run

Don’t let the grown-ups have all the fun. Join the fun run for all the family as part of Bedford's Running Festival with kids zone and fun fair too!

  • 1 mile road running
The final event of Bacchus is a fun run aimed at children. It is untimed, free to enter and all entrants will receive a medal at the finish.
  • Sun 7 Sep
  • FREE
Dorking, Surrey, UK

Bacchus Fun Run

The final event of Bacchus is a fun run aimed at children. It is untimed, free to enter and all entrants will receive a medal at the finish.

  • 2 km trail running
A great opportunity to be part of the day's events but over a shorter distance. Run the start and finish of the half marathon route with an exclusive link section through the beautiful Beckets Park.
  • Sun 14 Sep
  • £16
Northampton, Northamptonshire, UK

The Amazing Northampton Run | 3 Mile Race

A great opportunity to be part of the day's events but over a shorter distance. Run the start and finish of the half marathon route with an exclusive link section through the beautiful Beckets Park.

  • 3.4 miles road running + 147 ft ascent
A memorable day out at the fun Reigate Priory Park for runners (and walkers) of all abilities with separate races for each age group plus free kids activities in the Event Village and medal for all!
  • Sun 21 Sep
  • £16.99
Reigate, Surrey, UK

Run Reigate | Kids Race

A memorable day out at the fun Reigate Priory Park for runners (and walkers) of all abilities with separate races for each age group plus free kids activities in the Event Village and medal for all!

  • 1.1 miles road running
​The main event! A 10K fun run with gourmet food and drink stops. Entrants are encouraged to pace themselves, enjoy the speciality pitstops and the party atmosphere!
  • Sun 21 Sep
  • £20-£30
Malton, North Yorkshire, UK

‘Le Classique’ 10K Fun Run

​The main event! A 10K fun run with gourmet food and drink stops. Entrants are encouraged to pace themselves, enjoy the speciality pitstops and the party atmosphere!

  • 10 km multi terrain running
A fun 400m run around the sports track just before the half marathon itself - the kids will love it! The parents will love it as a warm up and because it's free.
  • Sun 28 Sep
  • FREE
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, UK

ATW Welwyn Children's Fun Run

A fun 400m run around the sports track just before the half marathon itself - the kids will love it! The parents will love it as a warm up and because it's free.

  • 400 m track and field
The Fun Run after the Chatsworth 10K gives families and those wanting a shorter distance a fantastic opportunity to enjoy the Chatsworth Estate! Why not run both?
  • Sun 28 Sep
  • £5-£7
Bakewell, Derbyshire, UK

Chatsworth 10K and Fun Run | Fun Run

The Fun Run after the Chatsworth 10K gives families and those wanting a shorter distance a fantastic opportunity to enjoy the Chatsworth Estate! Why not run both?

  • 3 km multi terrain running
Calling all young champions! Join the Final Mile challenge at RUN Barnstaple this year. Run or walk 12 miles with your school friends in the run-up to event day then run the final mile on the big day!
  • Sun 28 Sep
  • FREE
Barnstaple, Devon, UK

RUN Barnstaple | Final Mile Junior Challenge

Calling all young champions! Join the Final Mile challenge at RUN Barnstaple this year. Run or walk 12 miles with your school friends in the run-up to event day then run the final mile on the big day!

  • 1 mile road running
One of the junior events of the Run Bournemouth Festival for ages 9-12 along a beautiful coastal route with the fun of running along Bournemouth Pier!
  • Sat 11 Oct
  • £13-£19.25
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

Run Bournemouth | Junior 2K

One of the junior events of the Run Bournemouth Festival for ages 9-12 along a beautiful coastal route with the fun of running along Bournemouth Pier!

  • 2 km road running
One of the junior events of the Run Bournemouth Festival for ages 6-8 along a beautiful coastal route with the fun of running along Bournemouth Pier!
  • Sat 11 Oct
  • £13-£19.25
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

Run Bournemouth | Junior 1.5K

One of the junior events of the Run Bournemouth Festival for ages 6-8 along a beautiful coastal route with the fun of running along Bournemouth Pier!

  • 1.5 km road running
One of the junior events of the Run Bournemouth Festival for ages 3-6 along a beautiful coastal route with the fun of running near Bournemouth Pier!
  • Sat 11 Oct
  • £13-£19.25
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

Run Bournemouth | Kids' Kilometre

One of the junior events of the Run Bournemouth Festival for ages 3-6 along a beautiful coastal route with the fun of running near Bournemouth Pier!

  • 1 km road running
A fun evening run for all! This beautiful coastal route takes in the Bournemouth Pier and promenade at dusk. It's all about the experience, not how fast you can complete it. Walk, jog or run!
  • Sat 11 Oct
  • £22.25-£33
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

Bournemouth Supernova 5K

A fun evening run for all! This beautiful coastal route takes in the Bournemouth Pier and promenade at dusk. It's all about the experience, not how fast you can complete it. Walk, jog or run!

  • 5 km road running
2025 details tbc. Open to all the family from serious athletes wanting a shorter race to complete beginners wanting to have fun, get fit and raise money for Anna's Hope, or a different charity cause.
  • Sun 12 Oct
  • £11.90-£17.90
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK

Anna's Hope 5K Fun Run

2025 details tbc. Open to all the family from serious athletes wanting a shorter race to complete beginners wanting to have fun, get fit and raise money for Anna's Hope, or a different charity cause.

  • 5 km road running
A 1-mile Halloween-themed fun run for ages 4 and up where fancy dress is encouraged and there are tasty Halloween treats!
  • Sun 26 Oct
  • £5
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

Hubble Bubble | Day 2 | 1 Mile

A 1-mile Halloween-themed fun run for ages 4 and up where fancy dress is encouraged and there are tasty Halloween treats!

  • 1 mile trail running
A fun 1K race for younger runners where all children who finish receive a medal! A wonderful, traffic-free event to inspire our younger people.
  • Sun 2 Nov
  • FREE-£7
Tring, Buckinghamshire, UK

Wendover Woods 1K

A fun 1K race for younger runners where all children who finish receive a medal! A wonderful, traffic-free event to inspire our younger people.

  • 1 km trail running
Run beautiful trails of the Bolton Abbey Estate not usually accessible to the public! Run for fun and help Sue Ryder raise crucial funds for expert care.
  • Sun 9 Nov
  • £8
Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK

Run Bolton Abbey | 2.4 Mile Family Fun Run

Run beautiful trails of the Bolton Abbey Estate not usually accessible to the public! Run for fun and help Sue Ryder raise crucial funds for expert care.

  • 2.4 miles trail running
A joyful and inclusive event for families to celebrate the spirit of running at the iconic Silverstone Circuit. This one-mile run promises an unforgettable experience for participants of all ages.
  • Sun 23 Nov
  • £15
Towcester, Northamptonshire, UK

Silverstone Run Fest | Family Mile

A joyful and inclusive event for families to celebrate the spirit of running at the iconic Silverstone Circuit. This one-mile run promises an unforgettable experience for participants of all ages.

  • 1 mile road running
  • Sat 5 Apr
  • £8
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK

City of Lincoln Junior Run

The City of Lincoln Mini and Junior sponsored by Xerox Business Solutions is a great way for anyone and everyone aged 9 to 15 to get active this year!

  • 2.5 km road running
  • Sat 5 Apr
  • £10-£30
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK

City of Lincoln Mini Run

The City of Lincoln Mini and Junior sponsored by Xerox Business Solutions is a great way for anyone and everyone aged 3 to 8 to get active this year!

  • 1.5 km road running
  • Sun 11 May
  • £5-£20
Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, UK

Sunderland City Runs | Big 3K

A family-friendly fun run as part of an awesome day of running on the streets of Sunderland! This 3K run takes place on closed roads and is perfect for getting families active together and having fun.

  • 3 km road running
  • Tue 13 May
  • FREE-£7
Gosport, Hampshire, UK

Gosport 5K Summer Series | Race Two | Junior Race

This race is part of an exhilarating summer series at Gosport offering five perfect races to make your own.

  • 1 km road running
  • Sat 17 May
  • £12
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK

Future Outlaw Half Nottingham Mini

Focusing on fun and participation to get the next generation of Outlaws involved in the fun of the weekend! An easy-to-navigate lap finishing on the orange carpet in front of the grandstand.

  • 1.2 miles trail running
  • Sat 17 May
  • £12
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK

Future Outlaw Half Nottingham Junior

Focusing on fun and participation to get the next generation of Outlaws involved in the fun of the weekend! Two easy-to-navigate laps finishing on the orange carpet in front of the grandstand.

  • 2.4 miles trail running
  • Sun 18 May
  • £10
Chester, Cheshire, UK

Essar Chester Fun Run

The Fun Run is open to anyone wanting to take part, and is aimed primarily at children. Taking place within the racecourse, finishers will receive a medal, t-shirt, race number, drink and treat.

  • 1 mile road running
  • Sun 15 Jun
  • £8
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

Leeds Junior Run

A great way to race and get active this year!

  • 2.35 km road running
  • Sun 15 Jun
  • £10-£30
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

Leeds Mini Run

A great way to get active this year!

  • 1.5 km road running
  • Sun 3 Aug
  • £8
York, North Yorkshire, UK

York Junior Fun Run

A great way to get active! Open to ages 9-15 this popular local run is a fantastic day out for all the family, as part of the much-loved and lively York 10K.

  • 2.5 km road running
  • Sun 3 Aug
  • £10-£30
York, North Yorkshire, UK

York Mini Fun Run

A great way to get active! Open to ages 3-8 this popular local fun run is a fantastic day out for all the family, as part of the much-loved and lively York 10K.

  • 1.5 km road running
  • Sat 13 Sep
  • £45
Worcester, Worcestershire, UK

Worcester City Runs | Families on Track

Paula Radcliffe's exciting family event! Parents, children and grandparents race as a family in this team-orientated event. Take turns to complete laps of varying distances, completing 10K in total.

  • 2 km multi terrain running
  • Sun 14 Sep
  • £8
Worcester, Worcestershire, UK

Worcester City Runs | U11 Race

Fast, flat and held entirely on closed roads, this junior road run races from Worcester's historic centre across the River Severn and back, as part of the exciting weekend of running in Worcester!

  • 1 mile road running
  • Sun 14 Sep
  • £8
Worcester, Worcestershire, UK

Worcester City Runs | U15 Race

Fast, flat and held entirely on closed roads, this junior road run races from Worcester's historic centre across the River Severn and back, as part of the exciting weekend of running in Worcester!

  • 3 km road running
  • Sun 5 Oct
  • £10-£15
Chester, Cheshire, UK

MBNA Chester Mini Marathon

The Mini Marathon is open to anyone wanting to take part, and is aimed primarily at children. Taking place within the racecourse, finishers will receive a medal, t-shirt, race number, drink and treat!

  • 1 mile road running