These events are swim / run format.
Age 16 & over on 31 Dec 2024
There are 2 distances available at each of the 4 events - Main Sprint event - 750m swim & approx 5k run, or the shorter option - Super Sprint consisting of a 400m swim & approx 2.5k run. Currently Events 1 & 4 are at Hillingdon Sports & Leisure Complex and are 750m/400m swim in the outdoor pool followed by an approx 5k/2.5k run on grass. At Hillingdon Sports & Leisure complex, the swim is a 'Snake Swim', all swimmers going off at 20" intervals depending on their predicted swim speed to complete 15 lengths for the Sprint and 8 lengths of the pool for the Super Sprint. The run is an out and back course, giving competitors plenty of opportunity to see the position of their opponents. This also gives your families plenty of opportunities to cheer you on! Events 2 & 3 are at Merchant Taylors School lake & the swim is 750m/400m Open Water, following their established course & the run is an approx 4.6k and 2.3k run, approximately twice around the lake for 4.6km, once for the 2.3k Super Sprint event, again with plenty of opportunities for supporters to cheer you on!. Note that Event 3 is being run by Active Training World and they are using a slightly longer run course at 2.7km for the Super Sprint Distance.
This event is part of Aquathlon - Hillingdon Triathletes.
Age 16 & over