The 10km run is around Cornwood and Lutton, mostly on roads but with some tracks and fields.
Minimum age 16 yrs. Held under UKA rules. The 4km Fun Run (or walk) is for under 16's, families or those just wanting fewer hills than the 10K event! Refreshments, baggage and changing facilities available. Medals for all finishers, team prizes, £50 prize for setting new 10K course record (male or female). The current 10K course records: Male: 33mins 34s held by Adam Holland, set in 2018. Female: 39mins 46s held by Naomi Flanaghan, set in 2015. Both Events start and finish at Cornwood Square. The race organisers advise wearing headphones during the race is banned. Runners will be prevented from running with them. Please see Cornwood 10K Facebook page for details and updates.
All ages
Age 16 & over