This is MacTuff: Scotland’s toughest obstacle course race. For those that want even more distance, the 21K takes in all the brutal elements of the 15K event and then some more. Not for lightweights.
Age 17 & over
MacTuff is for anyone looking to discover what exactly they are made of.
The Winter MacTuff has been challenging allcomers to its ancestral base at Knockhill Racing Circuit annually since 2016 to brave the elements. For the first time ever, MacTuff is now available as a summer race this Coronation Bank Holiday Weekend and will not disappoint.
The 7K, 15K and 21K distances take place over challenging terrain; through mud, water and obstacles. Just because it isn’t winter, don’t think you will ‘get off lightly’. MacTuff is built to test your physical strength and your mental grit and the May challenge will introduce you to new elements not experienced previously at Winter MacTuffs.
This event is part of MacTuff Scotland Summer.