Stood between the Irish Sea and Lough Neagh, Belfast is a superb location for watersports enthusiasts, though there's plenty to see inland as well. In the city itself, half-marathons and sponsored walks will you keep you active, while further up the coast the untamed Antrim Coast is perfect for wilder outdoor pursuits. Discover runs, rides, swims, walks, triathlons, challenges and other outdoor activities in and around Belfast here.
Map viewIt’s never too early to get ready for the off!
It's a bit of a beast. - The Monkstown Spartans are proud to host The Mane Event
This event has 2 options to choose from either a : 52.4mile Ultra Marathon 0R a Marathon. The choice is yours!
Run in Northern Ireland's vibrant historic capital...
Are you ready for a fun 5k walk like no other?