The Burrator Noir is one of Wild Running's earliest races and returns to its original venue at the Discovery Centre at Burrator Reservoir.
It includes a 12 mile trail run and a 10k flat, fast, road run around the perimeter of the reservoir. The trail route consists of moorland, plantation, leats, gnarly, rocky, paths and disused railway lines- all very runnable. We’ve added on two extra miles to circumvent the B3212, which runners previously had to negotiate. Not any more- just straight across. It’s back as part of the Wild Night Run and Wild Run Series. The noir includes most of the original 10 mile trail route along the forested paths that lead from the Discovery Centre at Burrator Reservoir, along gnarly tacks through open moorland towards Nun’s cross then left to Princetown. It then follows the old disused railway line near Foggintor Quarry and back to Burrator Reservoir via the trail behind Ingra Tor and through the leatside plantation. We have also brought back the original kids races, in the spirit of the Wild Night Run Series. **We have made medals an optional extra, which you can purchase on the event registration page as an add on. This is partly due to the amount of wastage generated through no shows and failure to collect on the day but we will also make a donation in lieue, to Kingsbridge Food Bank, for anyone who does not opt in to a medal.**
Age 3-7
Age 8-12
Age 16 & over
Age 18 & over