Modelled on the infamous Caesars Camp races, The Copthorne Races take place in Surrey, featuring a wide mix of terrain, woodland and contouring in and around the Box Hill, Mickleham and Headley areas.
Indeed, the race name is a play on words as Headley was part of the Copthorne Hundred, an administrative division devised by the Saxons. The races start at Mickleham Village Hall (Race HQ) with a new improved route of just over ten-mile loops (therefore the 50k consists of 3 loops), providing a cumulative of ascent gained of approximately 2,260 feet per loop. The route will be fully marked on the day with signs & tape. As in the 2022 Copthorne Races, we again offer a choice of four distances for the weekend. 50km 6,780ft of ascent with a 9hr cutoff. 50 mile 11,300ft of ascent with a 14.5hr cutoff. 100km 13,560ft of ascent with an 18hr cutoff. 100 mile 22,600 ft of ascent with a 32hr cutoff.
Age 20 & over
Age 20 & over
Age 20 & over
Age 20 & over